Финансовая отчетность за 2023 год. Новые типы совладельцев
А также проверка заблокированных счетов и обеспечительных мер в карточке персоны
Overview of updates from September 2, 2021
Service Updates

Financial Statements of Accredited Branches and Representative Offices

Plus new filter in Favorite lists and changes in the search results export.

Overview of updates from September 2, 2021

Financial Statements of Accredited Branches and Representative Offices

Plus new filter in Favorite lists and changes in the search results export.

Financial Statements

Read more about accredited branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities in Seldon.Basis here.We added data on the accounting statements of accredited branches and representative offices in Seldon.Basis. You can see it in "Financial Statements""Balances" in the company profile:

Search Filter in Favorite Lists

It is now possible to filter organizations according to various criteria in your personal lists. These are the same criteria used when searching companies:

If you have a large number of companies on your list, you can now segment them and work with a narrower selection. For example, delete all companies based on a specific feature or download the list of such companies.

More Contact Information in Downloadable File

We keep improving the downloadable search results. The downloadable file has unlimited contacts now. From now on, all the organization's contacts will be shown in the file:

This update will be especially relevant for you if you use Seldon.Basis to search for counterparties.

Working hard for you.
Seldon.Basis Team