Вакансии: новый раздел в карточке компании
Новый раздел в карточке компании и другие сентябрьские обновления в Seldon.Basis.

Type and size of the company

Updates review from August 18, 2016

See the data of the Register of small and medium enterprises, determine the size of the companies, understand its ownership.

The Register of small and medium enterprises

On the summary page of organization now you can see whether it relates to small and medium-sized businesses. It became possible thanks to the Register of small and medium enterprises , which was formed by the Federal Tax Service in August 1. You can immediately assess the nature and the size of the company - choose a partner with a similar tax regime, look for suppliers for procurement among employers in small businesses.


We have also added the ownership of organizations. It will help to understand the company origin and choose the terms of cooperation with it.

Event types in notifications

Information content of notifications has been enhanced — now they have event types:

Work on the bugs

Whenupgrading the summary page the company cards have lost financial indicators. Now everything is correct:

We have also upgraded the work regarding marks with risks and company strengths. Now their use has become more understandable.

All the best!
Seldon.Basis team