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New Forms of Financial Reports; Detailed Information About Licenses

Updates review from May 12th, 2016

We’ve added 4 new forms of financial reports in order for you to get a broader picture about the financial activity of partners and competitors. We have also extended the information about licenses and put it in a separate section.

Financial Reports

Now, Seldon.Basis has 6 types of financial reports. 4 new types have been added to the “Balances” section, i.e. Equity Change Statement, Cash Flow Statement, Report on Proper Use of Received Funds and Balance Sheet Supplement.

Together with the other 2 types of reports — Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statement — the section provides a comprehensive outline of a company's activity and its financial situation.


From this version on, the information about licenses will be located in a separate section called “Licenses”. Earlier, the information about operating licenses issued to legal entities or sole proprietors could be found in the “Licenses” tab located in the “State Registration” section.

Licenses in the new section are divided into three categories: Active, Suspended and Inactive. You will easily find the licenses you are interested in by looking through a corresponding list.

Best regards.
The Seldon.Basis Team