New Dashboard in Company Profiles
Seldon.Basis is changing for the better!
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Seldon.Basis is changing for the better!
Seldon.Basis is changing for the better!
We have made some changes to the company and proprietor profiles. The information panel, i.e. the header, has been updated and is now easier to read. It has more data too:
These three new metrics will help you understand how popular and public an organization is.
Are your partners and competitors interested in the company? Find out using the Profile Views number. It shows how many times a company profile was viewed in Seldon.Basis.
How many Basis users follow the company? The number of Subscribers is the number of users who have added the company to their favorites.
How many times has the company been mentioned in the media in the past month? Assess the level of media exposure using the Company News indicator:
You can also find out how these indicators have changed over the past week.
The new quote widget will help you find out. Click on a quote to see the full text, its author and date in Seldon.News, our free news aggregator:
The score is now shown in the profile header:
It helps form the first impression about a company and decide whether you'd want to check the company further.
The buttons in the information panel allow you to add a company to your favorites, download data, view contact information, easily share a link to a company with colleagues by copying it to the clipboard in one click.
All buttons are now grouped to make the navigation on the page easier for you:
And finally, there are additional indicators that you can see at the bottom of the header: managing person (CEO), company establishment date, current and last year's revenue in comparison, number of connections and number of employees:
When viewing the rest of the page, these indicators are changed: only the first two are shown so that the header takes up less space on the screen and there is more space for information in a specific section.
Changing for the better.