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Overview of updates from January 19, 2023
Service Updates

Financial statements According to Issuer's Data

Today's update is about the new tab in the Balances section, as well as updates to the Domestic Software Registry.

Overview of updates from November 24, 2022

According to the Issuer Tab

Today's update is about a new tab in the Balances section, as well as updates to the Domestic Software Registry.

According to the Issuer

A new tab has been introduced in Financial Statements → Balances. Now you can see data not only from the Federal Tax Service website, but also provided by the company itself as part of the information disclosure. To do this, switch the tabs "According to the Federal Tax Service (formerly Rosstat) and "According to the Issuer" depending on the source you need:

Data from the Domestic Software Registry

For companies from Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan you can now see information from the Domestic Software Registry. The relevant section provides information about the software that the company develops.

The section is located in the Legal Environment menu group of the company profile:

Other Improvements

We worked on the filter bar in the search of Russian organizations and made it remember its last state (expanded or hidden).

If you often use search filters, you don't have to unfold them every time:

We also added the code of the main type of activity in the header of the CIS companies, so you can quickly understand what the organization does:

Always to the point.
Seldon.Basis Team