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Reports on Profits and Losses, New Information regarding Enforcement Proceedings

Updates review of October 17, 2014

Winter has suddenly arrived in Central Russia, but it hasn't affected our scheduled update of Seldon.Basis. The updated version contains new relevant data and information.

Reports on Profit and Losses

The «Balances» section in the company’s card has been extended. Now, besides the balance sheet, it displays reports on the company’s profits and losses.

Expand this tab in order to get information on the company's key economic data from previous years, such as its earnings, costs of sales, gross profit (and losses), business expenses and other additional information:

Enforcement Proceedings

Binding of Data Regarding Enforcement Proceedings has been improved.

In users' language this means that the information in the «Enforcement proceedings» section has become more complete:

Always stay tuned for the latest updates,
The Support Team