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Seldon.Basis in Turkish, filter by OKVED (Russian Classification of Economic Activities), types of arbitration cases

Updates review on March 19, 2015

Today Seldon.Basis starts to speak Turkish, and we also have added some new features: filter by OKVED (Russian Classification of Economic Activities), new section «Trademarks», categories of arbitration cases and history of changes in registration information.

Now allow us to introduce each innovation – in details.

Turkish language

Seldon. Basis is a multilingual system, which is represented in 9 main languages: Russian, English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Chinese and Arabic languages.

Now we have translated it into the tenth language - Turkish:

If your business is located in Russia, you can make yourself at home and get information about companies and technical support in your own language!

Filter by OKVED

Search filter, allowing you to filter companies by regions, activity type and status, has been enriched by new parameter - OKVED.

Now among found companies you can choose only those, which match the types of economic activities you are interested in the accordance with the Russian Classification:

Filter by OKVED does not cancel an existing one (by activity type), but complements it, making the searching and filtering process more flexible.


A new section «Trademarks» has appeared in a company profile. You can find it in the group of tabs «Legal Environment». It contains information about trademarks, registered by the company:

When you choose a certain trademark, you will see a detailed information about it:

Categories of arbitration cases

In the section «Arbitration» the list of cases has been improved by adding icons which represent arbitration cases by their types:

  • On the insolvency (bankruptcy) of organizations or individuals
  • Economic disputes on administrative legal relations
  • Economic disputes on civil legal relations

The tooltip, containing the information about type of arbitration case, appears when hovering the cursor over the icon:

Registration information

Now in the section «EGRUL» information about registration is followed by the history of changes by analogy with Governing bodies and Management companies.

To see the previous changes use the link:

Wish you a successful day!
Your Support Team