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Companies Phone Numbers and Search in OKVED

Updates review on June 25, 2015

We have updated the Seldon.Basis database with companies phone numbers taken from 8 open sources. This update covered almost 1 million companies.

Detailed information about particular companies, including their phone numbers, can be viewed on the profile page in the «Summary Information» or «EGRUL» sections:

Company’s profile. «Summary Information» section

Company’s profile. «EGRUL» section

Now it is possible to use our system as a companies phone book with convenient tools which are always at hand.

And vice versa, this universal database of extended contact information and company details allows to objectively evaluate the company you are going to call.

Search in OKVED

Also, the OKVED classifier section in search filter on the main page now has its own search box which makes it easier to find a certain category:

Search in OKVED
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