Вакансии: новый раздел в карточке компании
Новый раздел в карточке компании и другие сентябрьские обновления в Seldon.Basis.

Export of Sole Proprietors Information; Trademarks in the Events Feed

Updates review on August 28, 2015

We would like to present yet another update of Seldon.Basis.

The latest version of Seldon.Basis offers a new feature of exporting the data on sole proprietors; the events feed now contains information about trademarks.

Summary Information about Sole Proprietors

The «Export to file» button has been added to the «Summary Information» section of a proprietor profile. Click on it in order to export registration data, summary information about the proprietor’s activity and its statistics (arbitration cases or inspection plans), etc.

The information is exported in a Microsoft Word document:

Events Feed

The latest update affected a relatively new «Events» section that is used to display relevant events concerning a given company.

Besides the information about arbitration and financial events, such as conclusion of contracts, as well as registration information, the feed now displays the information about a company’s newly registered trademarks:

The feed contains a link to a trademark’s page with detailed registration info.

Best regards,
The Support Team