Connections Tree on the Summary Page, Search in OKPO, Updates in the Feed
Updates review on April 7th, 2016Now, you can analyze the connections between companies on the Summary Page of a company profile, search for organizations in the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations, view the bankruptcy reports, information about enforcement proceedings and other data in the Events Feed.
Read below for more details.
Connections Tree
Accessing the Connections Tree has become easier — we have added a simplified version of the Tree to the Summary Page of a company’s profile:
This version of the Tree will provide you with basic information about the company’s connections. A more substantial analysis of the organization (e.g. affiliation check) can be performed in the Connections Tree section. It can be accessed through main menu or by clicking the Examine button.
Search in OKPO
OKPO stands for All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations. It contains an 8 or 10 digit number of a legal entity that is indicated in accounting documents and referred to as OKPO code.
You can search companies by their names, addresses, phone numbers, names of executives and founders, TIN, KPP, OGRN codes and other information. Now, besides that, you can also use the OKPO code in order to find a company. Simply type the code in the search box and hit Enter:
Events Feed
Now, the Events Feed contains 8 types of events that can be viewed all at once or separately by using a filter. New types of data have been added to the Feed. In case a certain company has any updates regarding enforcement proceedings, bankruptcy, Suppliers Blacklist or Register of Disqualified Persons, the Feed will let you know about that:
Updates concerning the companies from your Lists are also displayed in the Tracking section.
The Seldon.Basis Team