Регламент проверки контрагента в компании
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Municipal state institution "Administration office arkhitektury i stroitelstva g. Kolchugino"
Vladimir Region
OGRN: 1093326001922
TIN: 3306014140
Liquidated on May 14, 2015
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OKVED 74.2 Total: 8
Activity in the field of architecture; technical design; prospecting and geophysical works; geodetic and cartographic activities; activity in the field of standardization and metrology; activity in the field of hydrometeorology and areas adjacent to it; the kinds of activity connected with the solution of technical tasks, not included in other groups
Monitoring Notes Reports Contact information
Leader of liquidation committee
Vinogradov Yury Vadimovich
December 29, 2009
City Kolchugino
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Connections Tree is available in all plans

Connections Tree is an instrument that visually shows the connection between companies. The structure of a certain company (its branch offices and subsidiaries), the activity of its founders and executives are presented as a tree of connected elements. Here you can see the information about phone numbers, addresses, authorized capital shares, etc.

All plans grant full access to the system including the Connections Tree and instruments for verification of affiliation.
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